Beijing protests after the attack on a Chinese tourist bus in Marseille

BEIJING, July 2 (Reuters) – The Chinese consulate general in Marseille protested to French authorities after the attack on Thursday in the Marseille city of a bus carrying Chinese tourists, some of whom were slightly injured by broken bars. windows, the Chinese consular affairs office reported on Sunday.

In its statement, the Consulate General calls on France to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals and their property.

According to state broadcaster CCTV, the bus was attacked by individuals as part of the violence that has erupted across France in recent days after a teenager was killed by police gunfire in the Paris suburbs.

Chinese citizens present in France or intending to go there must be extra vigilant, adds the Chinese consular office in its press release. (Report Ziyi Tang and Martin Quin Pollard; French version Elizabeth Pineau)

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