Belgium: 12-year-old seriously stabs police officer

An altercation near a school in Belgium turned out badly, to the point that a teenager of only 12 seriously injured a police officer by stabbing him several times, confirmed the Limburg prosecutor’s office.

A juvenile judge was seized on Friday the day after the facts of “attempted murder”, according to information from AFP. Occurring Thursday in Peer, in the province of Limburg (Dutch-speaking North-East), the attack, which was filmed from afar by a passer-by would result from a dispute related to traffic. The Belgian channel VRT broadcast images of the scene, on which the policeman appears in a fluorescent orange vest struggling with the older brother, aged 17, who tries to free himself, while the younger suddenly starts to kicking him in the back, in front of their mother.

According to the first elements of the investigation, at least two blows were struck with a knife in the back of the policeman, who is seriously injured, even if his life is not in danger. This officer from the Kempenland police zone will have to stay in hospital for ten days, a spokesman for the zone confirmed to AFP.

The mother and her two sons were quickly arrested after the attack. If this first was released after her hearing by the police, the spokesperson for the prosecution Bruno Coppin indicated that the investigations were continuing.

The “very affected” young boy

The 12-year-old teenager would be “very affected” by the turn of events and would have “panicked” when he saw the altercation between the policeman and his big brother, explained his lawyer Eylem Turan. He was placed “probably for three months,” she said. His placement in a “semi-open” center means that a return to school is not excluded as long as the minor respects the obligation to return to the institution in the evening and on weekends, specified the Belga agency.

The prosecution also seized a youth judge for “band rebellion” for the 17-year-old big brother, already under the supervision of a juvenile judge for previous facts. He was allegedly involved in 2018, at age 14, in the robbery of a newspaper store.

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