Bernard Arnault: “The success of France depends on that of its companies”

EXCLUSIVE – The world leader in luxury achieved very strong growth in sales and profits in 2021 compared to their pre-pandemic records. Its CEO and main shareholder recalls the importance of “giving confidence to companies and entrepreneurs” to ensure the prosperity of France.

LE FIGARO. – Two years ago, the Covid-19 epidemic had just been discovered in Wuhan.
You said:
“If it lasts two months, it’s manageable; if it lasts two years, that’s another story.” However, the epidemic is still going on and your group is posting record results. How do you explain this level of growth?

Bernard ARNAULT. – The group adapted as soon as the virus appeared: we put our employees in safety and helped the public authorities, by providing masks and hydroalcoholic gel. 2020 was the year when the crisis was the strongest, then some regions of the world gradually emerged from it in 2021. With the vaccine, the world may end this health crisis definitively in 2022. If our results were marked by the pandemic in 2020, last year we saw a fairly strong return to our activities in most regions of the world, with a particular mention for the United States. Not all brands in the sector benefit from this…

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