Between strong experience and pro-Brexit position, the arrival of Rishi Sunak divides the British

Anaïs Cordoba (in London), edited by Juliette Moreau Alvarez
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07:36, October 25, 2022

New Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak takes over the reins of an economically and socially weakened territory. While some Britons have confidence in him and his skills, others are still cautious, in particular because of his pro-Brexit positions.

Good things come to those who wait for. After being beaten by Liz Truss this summer in the Conservative primary, Rishi Sunak was named the party’s new leader on Monday. On Tuesday, he will officially become Prime Minister after his meeting with King Charles III. Third Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since the beginning of the year, he comes to power in a country in the midst of an economic and social crisis. At 42, the youngest minister in the history of the United Kingdom is today the one who reassures part of the British.

“He will bring us stability”

His career in banking and his notable stint in the Ministry of Finance under Boris Johnson comfort many. “He has built his experience managing the Covid pandemic, and he has come through it well. So I think he is the right person for the current job, because we need someone who can solve this economic crisis. “, confides this Londoner.

Rishi Sunak also has a reputation for honesty and competence. Malcolm, a member of the Conservative Party, is delighted with his appointment: “He will bring us the stability we need, bring the Conservative Party together and form a government that holds up.”

A pro-Brexit who worries

Kir, a London entrepreneur, is less enthusiastic. Rishi Sunak is an early Brexiter, and that worries him. “Brexit is causing a lot of problems in the UK right now and I’ll be watching how they handle that,” he said. “I hope he will be pragmatic about our relationship with the European Union and about the situation in Northern Ireland.”

With 36% of favorable opinions among the British, Rishi Sunak still suffers from the loss of popularity of the conservatives, currently at their lowest in the polls.

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