Binge-watching isn’t unhealthy at all – if you pay attention to one thing

Series streaming in endless loop
Binge-watching isn’t unhealthy at all – if you pay attention to one thing

© ABO PHOTOGRAPHY / Shutterstock

Yes, mom, too much TV makes square eyes… Binge-watching our favorite series is not necessarily unhealthy. However, one factor plays a decisive role.

It’s hard to imagine that we used to sit in front of the TV at a certain time every day or week to watch our series. Fortunately, in times of Netflix and Co., we no longer have to wait for a specific time, but can watch exactly what we want – exactly when it suits us.

The downside of it all: Because there is no longer an automatic end time, we like to watch one episode after the other. And then one more thing… With the concept of streaming, binge-watching came into our lives. And that doesn’t always lead to healthy behaviors.

Binge watching is about control

“Netflix is ​​built on binge-watching,” explains Dr. Emil Steiner, assistant professor of journalism at Rowan University in Philadelphia, told Deutsche Welle. “It wants to differentiate its offer from television. The interesting thing is that viewers use the control that streaming platforms give them to consume as much as possible.”

Especially our sleep can suffer from the endless streaming, like various studies could prove. But is binge viewing really always unhealthy? Not necessarily like Dr. Schneider assured us. It just depends on HOW we look. Here experts distinguish between “cringe-watching” and “feast-watching”.

Cringe-Watching vs. Feast-Watching: When watching series doesn’t harm our health (so badly).

So-called cringe-watching is definitely not healthy. Cringe means “shudder, flinch, be ashamed” in English. The main characteristics of this type of series streaming are that we do it alone, randomly and distractedly. So you let something run on the side and maybe you’re still busy with your smartphone (hello second screen!).

dr Emil Steiner and his team found out that this is anything but good for our health. “We can predict that cringe-watching will be regretted afterwards. We have empirical data to show that.” Cringe-watching often leaves a bad feeling afterwards.

So-called feast-watching is healthier – based on the English word for “feast, celebration”. The big difference here is that we look at something very consciously. We often plan ahead for streaming our shows and may arrange to meet up with our partner or dearest friend to do so. So very careful consumption of our favorite shows keeps us from regretting binge-watching afterwards. Instead, we look forward to it beforehand and really enjoy it.

Find the right balance when streaming

Nevertheless, streaming should remain within a certain time frame, otherwise it will be harmful to health again – no matter how consciously and attentively we look. “As with any feast, if you eat too much, you feel out of control,” explains Dr. Steiner. “So binge-watching is about balancing the control that’s been given to the viewer like never before.”

Source used:, Deutsche Welle


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