Birth bonus, childcare … A new Caf tool helps young parents get all social assistance

Since mid-June, this Caf tool called Birth Path requires you to log on to your recipient space and complete a form in several steps. it informs young parents about the various social aids they can benefit from.

Do you know this service if you are a young parent? Since June 12, the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) has been offering a new service on its website for support couples who have just had a child in their administrative procedures. Objective of the Caf, to better prepare young parents for the various aids to which they can claim after the birth.

This tool of the Caf calls Birth course requires you to connect to your beneficiary space and complete a form in several steps, depending on the case:

  • The pregnancy;
  • The birth of the child;
  • The adoption of a child under 3 years old;
  • Support for parents until the child is 3 years old.

A birth bonus of more than 1000 euros per child

Depending on the situation in your home, the Caf presents the recipient with the social assistance available in a personalized way. Example? The net amount of the birth bonus is 1003.97 euros and in the event of expected multiple births, it pays as many bonuses as there are children born.

Then come, in particular, the basic allowance for the childcare service (Paje) or the supplement for free choice of childcare (CMG).

A necessary helping hand since, unsurprisingly, the arrival of a new baby in the home is not without effect on the family budget. Even before the baby arrives, the study by the Institut des Mamans estimates that future parents spend an average of 1560euros before the birth and an average of 8400euros more per year after birth compared to childless couples, according to the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees).

According to an Ipsos study for the E.Leclerc observatory of new consumption published in 2022, raising a child between 0 and 3 years old costs 490 euros per month.

Back-to-school allowance: instructions for use

Expected in mid-August, the back-to-school allowance will benefit more than 3 million families this year. The ARS begins with the entry into CP, for children aged 6, and this until they come of age as long as they are in school. In 2023, it is therefore intended for schoolchildren born between September 16, 2005 and December 31, 2017 inclusive.

Here are the amounts paid this year, according to the age of your children:

  • 398.09 for a child of 6 10 years old;
  • 420.05 if he is 11 to 14 years old;
  • 434.61 between 15 and 18 years old.

Good news: you don’t have to do anything! The aid is paid automatically by your Caf.

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