Birthday fun facts: You (possibly) didn’t know that about Google

Birthday fun facts
You didn’t know that about Google (possibly).

By Laura Stresing and Jan Ganger

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Google turns 25 this Monday. The search engine is part of everyday life for countless people. From its beginnings in a college dorm, the tech giant has come a long way. has put together some of the most interesting facts – so you don’t have to google them.

No worries! We won’t bore you with the complete history of Google.

But let’s briefly tell the beginning: The history of Google began in the 90s. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Stanford University students, developed a search engine that would go on to dominate the Internet.

In 1998 they moved into their first offices – in a friend’s converted garage and adjoining rooms. September 4th is the day the company Google was founded. At that time, one of the first employees shot a video that shows what it looked like at Google. Spoilers: not really cleaned up.

In 2004, Google went public. At the time, the company was worth a whopping $23 billion. And today? $1.7 trillion.

The most important reason for the price explosion: Google makes money. A lot of money.

The advertising business accounts for the lion’s share of sales.

Google is the dominant search engine worldwide. Exceptions are countries where access is blocked – for example in North Korea and China.

Everyone who reads this text knows this:

(Photo: IMAGO/NurPhoto)

The logo was rarely changed. If you’re wondering about “BackRub”: That’s what Brin and Page called the forerunner of their search engine project.

The question remains: What is actually the search term that is googled the most? Of course, it’s “Google”. Here you can see the world’s most popular search terms from May to July this year. Incidentally, “IPL” stands for the Indian Cricket League, Cricbuzz is an Indian cricket news website.

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