hits the nerve of its users is very popular with users, as the first published Content Traffic Data from Mediapulse for the Swiss online market shows: The platform records 2.51 million visits daily. The average length of stay is 6.30 minutes – a value that shows that the content is attracting the interest of 1.01 million users every day. The traffic data includes the German-language offer from The first traffic data from is expected to be available in autumn.

“The long length of stay and the number of visits show that hits the nerve of our readers. They can form their own opinion, have a say and are very easy to participate. The strengthening of the product area with Katia Murmann Amirhosseini as Chief Product Officer will further contribute to our success, which is already a great team effort », says Ladina Heimgartner, CEO of the Blick Group.

Published: 07/09/2021, 4 minutes ago

Last updated: July 9, 2021, 48 minutes ago