Blizzard is hiring for a survival game in a new universe

Renowned for their numerous licenses, the Californian firm has slowed down the pace for a while now. But now is the time for Blizzard to move on, and it seems to be moving towards creating a new universe for a survival game. If for the moment it is only a recruitment, the news is enough to excite many players. A new license, a rich and new universe, but above all support from Microsoft following their acquisition.

A new world to build

For the moment nothing really seems fixed. Blizzard has just opened recruitment for this new universe, and many positions are available. It includes level designers, environmental artists, characters or techniques, as well as various engineers. The entire universe is therefore to be built, but keeping survival at the heart of the gameplay. We will therefore have to wait many years before we can see the beginnings of this new universe. It can however be noted that the first illustrations presented depict a unique world, mixing modernity and fantasy.

We’re off on a journey to an all-new universe, home to an all-new survival game for PC and console. A place full of heroes we have yet to meet, stories to tell and adventures to experience. A vast realm of possibilities, waiting to be explored.

Blizzard, January 25, 2022 press release

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