Blood Bowl III: figures for the last closed beta, the game will be at Nacon Connect

Cyanide continues the development of Blood Bowl III, his game of American football with orcs. This goes through test phases, the third closed beta has just ended, so the French studio shares an infographic to summarize the exploits and failures of the players attendees.

More than 10,000 players have had the opportunity to try out Blood Bowl III during this new closed beta, with nearly 24,000 touchdowns on the clock and more than 26,000 whistled fouls, throughout 35,000 hours of cumulative play all the same. The developers detail:

Nearly 11,000 coaches launched their team on the field, totaling 35,755 hours of play. On the good side: 23,823 touchdowns were made thanks to the coaches’ strategies, 2,668 passes were perfectly executed and 216,933 tackles were dodged with agility (and luck).

Speaking of luck, some coaches were not spoiled: 752 receptions of the ball miserably missed and 26,884 faults (intentional) whistled by the referee under the vociferations of the crowd. The dice weigh in the balance, but in the end, it will always lean on the side of the finest tactician!

And the brutality in all this? 224,194 injuries recorded, 4,618 players left the field in a coffin and… 575 teammates thrown over several yards by Ogres, Trolls or Treemen. That’s also Blood Bowl.

But above all, Cyanide announces that Blood Bowl III will be present at the Nacon Connect this Thursday, July 7. The small presentation will start as a reminder at 7:00 p.m. and the sports game will be there, perhaps with a specific release date? For now, Blood Bowl III is expected in 2022 on PC, PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch. You can find the previous opus at €17.99 on Gamesplanet.

thumbnail editorClint008
Writer – Tester

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