Blow your nose and clean yourself – 10 milestones for a hallelujah

Forget the first step, the first word, the first tooth and let's talk about the REALLY important milestones.

1. The first decoration at reach height that survives

2. The first time a child and not a clown after the sentence: "I want to dress myself"

3. The first single flight of stairs where you can't endure an internal nervous breakdown

4. The day you remove the last parental controls

5. The moment in which one realizes: the child is no longer putting dirt in their mouth (at least not for now, until they reach puberty and will be into energy drinks)

6. The first big business without "MAMAAAAAAA, ABPUTZEEEEEEEEN!"

7. Blow your nose yourself (i.e. with output)

8. "Play alone. Mom don't play" …. Oh my God, HAPPY !!!

9. For the first time, send the child to go shopping alone while you cook (sooooo helpful)

10. The first time: "It's raining. Let's go to the cinema. It's working Die Hard Part 88"