Body language: This is how you know someone is lying

3 clear body language signals that someone is lying

Whether the complete truth is really being told in this conversation?

Even the most practiced liars often reveal themselves unconsciously through clear body language signals. Here you can see what you should pay attention to!

Somehow in conversation everything sounds too good to be true – maybe it isn’t? We all know the uncomfortable feeling of being unsure whether we can really buy everything the other person is saying. Luckily, there are a few clues that liars often use to expose themselves – you just have to know where to look.

Recognizing lies through certain gestures

The good thing about these body language signals is that they are sent completely separate from the tone of voice and friendly words that the other person may want to use to entice you. Even if you would like to believe the content of the conversation: These clear signs do not lie and warn you to be careful!

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