Book tips: 3 books you should read if you are often sad

book tips
3 books to read if you’re constantly sad

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Are you often sad and don’t know the exact cause? Maybe the following book tips can help you. We recommend three books to read when you’re feeling low.

Books are powerful. books entertain. They distract and let us immerse ourselves in completely foreign worlds. Books are good for the mind, heart and soul. How many protagonists have you been able to identify with? Which life story touched you so much that you couldn’t help but cry? There are sure to be quite a few.

But books can also be a comforting friend in times of need. No wonder according to one analysis by the market research institute GfK on behalf of the German Book Trade Association, approx 21 percent of readers reach for the book more often than before the pandemic (as of October 2020).

In a Opinion poll of the eBook provider Skoobe even gave around 42 percent of the people surveyed read more books than before the pandemic began. On the one hand, this may be due to the reduced leisure activities. On the other hand, helplessness may also play a role. Everyday life has changed with the pandemic – for many more bad than right. In particular Guidebook Literature according to the survey, has been read more frequently since the beginning of the pandemic.

3 books for sadness

Sadness can have different causes. But what if you don’t know the exact reasons or don’t have anyone to talk to about your own thoughts and feelings? Then books can be a first clue. They often describe phenomena with which we identify, but have not yet been able to find the right words for them. We present three books that can help you when everything is getting out of hand.

1. Unfog your Mind: Change of perspective for more joie de vivre and light-heartedness

Leander Greitemann studied sociology, business administration, self-proclaimed “live philosopher” and author of the book “Unfog Your Mind”. His approach: We ourselves are the problem and stand in our way. That sounds hard at first, but is explained gently. In 20 chapters full of everyday worries, Greitemann gives life hacks, tips and encourages thought experiments. Above all, however, he deals with our thoughts. According to his book, every person has their own individual reality. It results from our previous experiences and expectations of our lives. Everything that our senses perceive is compared and evaluated with our experiences. In doing so, we often sabotage ourselves because what we think is not true. A little foretaste: write down your thoughts for a day and then ask yourself if you would talk to your loved ones like that.

So if you’re sad again and want to ban phrases like “I have to”, “I can’t” or “I mustn’t” from your life, then take a look at “Unfog your mind”. It helps you let go of negative thoughts and make yourself happy by changing the way you see the world.

Favorite quote: “No person, relationship, object or circumstance makes you happy or unhappy. That is what your interpretations and expectations do.”

2. I think I think too much

Do you get lost in mental spirals forever and become even more unhappy as a result? Then you should “I think I think too much” read by the columnist and journalist Nina Kunz. The title of the book couldn’t better describe what it’s about. With the help of many short essays, Kunz deals with unpleasant topics that haunt our heads. Pressure to perform, love, workism, world pain, tattoos, smartphones, climate change and patriarchy find their place here. They are accompanied by – sometimes humorous – personal anecdotes and statements by great thinkers and philosophers. Nina Kunz openly and honestly invites you into her world of thoughts and gives you the feeling that you are not alone with the world-weariness.

Favorite quote: “Everyday life can be sobering, so it’s easier to just imagine happiness. I have to realize that happiness isn’t a plannable ‘goal’, but a guest who shows up when you least expect it.”

3. Radical self-care. Now! – A feminist perspective

Self-care is trending. However, evil tongues claim that it is a false promise by the wellness industry to boost consumption. Author Svenja Gräfen was also of this opinion for a long time. In her book “Radical Self-Care. Now! – A Feminist Perspective” however, she makes peace with the issue of self-care. No, much more: She argues for and illustrates that feminism and self-care go very well together. Gräfen explains why we should take care of ourselves, especially in difficult times, using realistic and very personal examples. So much should be said in advance: Self-care here does not mean gathering strength for wage work or keeping up with a perfect Instagram world. What self-care looks like is individual. But the goal is the same: Be there for yourself and for others.

Favorite quote: “Breaks and rest aren’t a reward, they’re a requirement to keep going. You don’t have to earn them – you’re entitled to them just because you exist.”

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