Brake just before a speed camera? Useless with this new device, which detects sudden changes in speed: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Bad luck, the radar manufacturers understood the subterfuge of motorists in order not to be flashed, and decided to remedy it. If this new type of radar has not yet arrived in France, the magazine Auto Plus announced on November 21, 2023 that it had just entered service in the United Kingdom. No need to slow down when approaching the device, it will now be able to detect braking. If most motorists respect the speed limits, and even go so far as to brake “just in case” when approaching the gray box, it has been observed that the drivers who are most accustomed to driving on routes equipped with radars tend to to slow down suddenly in order to be below the speed limit and accelerate quickly once the small camera passes. Beyond the shortfall for the State, this type of braking remains especially dangerousespecially if traffic is heavy.

Control cameras placed upstream of the device

This new radar, already tested in Spain, has proven itself. Thanks to a small mobile camera, placed upstream or downstream of the device, it will now be possible to detect drivers who suddenly change their speed. A new kind of radar that you will have to pay attention to in order to keep all your points on your driving license! As a reminder, speeding is an offense punishable by a fixed fine in France and withdrawal of points. For a maximum speed above 50 km/h, excess speed below 20 km/h results in the withdrawal of a point and a fine of 68 euros. For speeding between 20 km/h and 50 km/h, a fine of 135 euros will be pronounced and a withdrawal between two and four points. Finally, if the excess exceeds 50 km/h, the fixed fine amounts to 1,500 euros, and the motorist is exposed to a deduction of six points which can even go as far as a license suspension and the immobilization of the vehicle. Faced with recurring cases of bad driving, France has in recent years equipped itself with increasingly sophisticated fixed or mobile radars, forcing drivers to use all means to avoid being caught.

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