Brexit negotiator David Frost resigns from UK government

Downing Street announced the resignation of the British Secretary of State for Brexit, David Frost, on Saturday evening, December 18, confirming the information given earlier by the daily Daily Mail. Deploring the leak in the press of information, David Frost announces his resignation with ” immediate effect “ and discusses his concerns about the ” direction “ that the government is currently taking.

Read also Michel Barnier and David Frost, two seasoned post-Brexit negotiators

This announcement is a new blow for Boris Johnson, surrounded by scandals. The prime minister this week suffered a sling from his camp over measures against Covid and the loss of a Conservative stronghold in a by-election in England.

According to Daily Mail, David Frost resigned a week ago, but Boris Johnson convinced him to stay until January as Secretary of State for Brexit, one of the hottest topics for the UK government . The newspaper writes that David Frost cited the new restrictions to fight the coronavirus, the tax hike and the policy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 as the reason for his departure.

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“We deserve better than this buffoonery”

Labor Deputy Leader of the Opposition Angela Rayner reacted on Twitter, saying the “Government is in total chaos precisely when the country is going through weeks of uncertainty”. “@BorisJohnson is not made for the job. We deserve better than this buffoonery ”, she added.

Since Brexit, David Frost has led negotiations with the European Union on its implementation for London, particularly regarding the application of the controversial Northern Ireland protocol. The latter establishes a new customs regime for this British province, which de facto maintains it in the single market and the European customs union.

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