brighten up your fall with this new trend


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Do you have brown hair and want to change your look while remaining natural? We have found a new trendy color to brighten up the season and your dark hair, with bronze.

Summer is already over and autumn quickly installed itself with its falling leaves in red and orange colors that give us the desire for changes and new colors to wear for the season. Why not fall for this new trend coloring that we see everywhere on Instagram and who is already on a lot of heads? the bronze, it’s that color Brown next to copper, with very metallic, to be carried out on dark brown hair to enhance the color and warm you up for the winter to come. This color will come illuminate the gray and the rainy days with its dazzling reflections.

This color is perfect for brown wishing to give the shine to their hair between the chocolate and dark brown almost black. A pretty color already adopted by many, including Vanessa Hudgens and Meghan Markle, more recently. A touch of light and of color, while remaining natural and adapted to the season. the bronze is a color inspired by sun reflections hot summer on the Brown hair most dark, as described by hairstylist James Earnshaw in the magazine Glamor UK. He also adds that “not all transformations need to be overly creative, sometimes something simple and sublime is enough”.

© Getty

How to achieve this color?

To have this color of the moment which promises to remain trendy for a long time – until perhaps even dethroning the blond balayage – , go to a professional hairdressing salon for an impeccable, natural result with the appropriate care. The hairdresser will come to make luminous bronze reflections on top of your hair wick by wick, while keeping your roots intact.

To read also on aufeminin:
-The colorings that will be a hit this winter
– Auburn hair: 30 coloring ideas that will make you fall in love

Another color idea for this fall

Margaux Tremier

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