Brigitte Macron upset: this little boy of two and a half months for whom she fell in love

Wednesday, January 19, Brigitte Macron was visiting the Roubaix hospital center. The one who is president of the Hospital Foundation did not fail to take care of one of the sick children.

This Wednesday, January 19, it is her cap as president of the Hôpitaux de Paris-Hôpitaux de France foundation that Brigitte Macron has put on. With Didier Deschamps, sponsor of the association Pieces Jaunes, the first lady visit of the places and projects carried out, across France, thanks to the funds collected by the organization. They started with the Roubaix hospital center, as reported France 3 this Wednesday, January 19. More specifically, both went to the pediatric emergency room of the establishment. And Brigitte Macron did not fail to fall for one of the children.

In the service, the wife of Emmanuel Macron actually had the opportunity to hug an adorable little boy. Named Yahia, the two-and-a-half-month-old baby underwent surgery on January 3, according to France 3. The First Lady was then able to chat with the child’s parents, who were delighted to meet her.

>> Discover: PHOTOS – Brigitte Macron, Jean Dujardin, Sandrine Bonnaire at the preview of Claude Lelouch’s film

Brigitte Macron proud of the Yellow Pieces operation

Brigitte Macron also expressed herself to praise the merits of the solidarity campaign of the Yellow Pieces operation, of which she is the president. According to her, the funds raised in 2021 have enabled the foundation “to subsidize up to 50,000 euros for the development and decoration of the waiting room of the pediatric department“. What to create a “warm and fun place“, assured the wife of the Head of State. “The child who arrives here is stressed, his parents even more, so if he sees a welcoming environment, he will be more likely to be better cared for.“, added the First lady with pride.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.


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