Brigitte Macron: “You see my head …”, this crucial moment when she trembled

In an interview given to the newspaper Le Point this Thursday, February 9, Brigitte Macron returned at length to the last presidential campaign. The wife of Emmanuel Macron did not see a good eye on the debate between her husband and Marine Le Pen.

Brigitte Macron is increasingly present in the media. A few weeks after the end of the Yellow Pieces operation of which she is the godmother, the wife of the President of the Republic gave an interview to the newspaper Le Point this Thursday, February 9. The latter was questioned at length about her influence and her feelings about the last presidential election, which saw Emmanuel Macron be elected head of the French state for the second consecutive time.

But for Brigitte Macron, nothing was a foregone conclusion despite the big difference giving Emmanuel Macron the winner in the various polls. The reason for this shaken confidence? Marine Le Pen. Indeed, the former professor of letters was afraid of the persuasiveness of the candidate of the National Rally. Journalists from Le Point also reported that the First Lady had “trembled until the polls closed”.

Brigitte Macron feared Marine Le Pen’s victory in the presidential election

“In 2017, Marine Le Pen was still really up between the two rounds. Again, it was not done, until the end. On election night, you would have seen my face…”, entrusted Brigitte Macron to our colleagues from Point. But his fear quickly disappeared in the face of the result of the presidential election, giving Emmanuel Macron largely the winner to his own estate.

Also asked about the way she manages her very special role, Brigitte Macron once again answered without language of wood: “There are those who think I’m lazy and those who think I shouldn’t be here. Being the president’s wife is a burden, she pointed out. A charge which she takes care of almost without any false note.

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