Bruce Toussaint soon on TF1: Jean-Baptiste Boursier (LCI) upset?

The group TF1 places emphasis on news. At the beginning of October, Bruce Toussaint announced his departure from BFMTV for the headlines. From January 8, 2024, the 50-year-old journalist will therefore be in charge of Good morning !a program that “will see one another information editionssections on daily life, culture, the art of living and major trends”. A most original morning which will therefore be broadcast from 7 a.m., thus facing the newspaper of Jean-Baptiste Boursier on LCI, the 6/9. However, this is not enough to create a rivalry between the two presenters, as assured by Thierry Thuillier, the information director of the TF1 group, at Parisianthis Sunday, December 10: “The two mornings will be complementary.

To our colleagues, Thierry Thuillier therefore said more about what will differentiate the group’s two morning shows: “That of LCI will remain very newsy, with a lot of politics, economics and international. That of TF1 will be what we call a welcome morningwith an important presence of culture, health, daily life, etc.”In order not to rush the LCI morning workers, the TF1 group still took precautions by explaining to the continuous news channel the ins and outs of its “false competitor” which is the program Good morning !: “Jean-Baptiste was quick taken into confidence. We explained to his team that we did not want to destabilize the editorial staff of TF1 or that of LCI. Our mornings are designed for distinct audiences”, clarified the face of the group’s information to the daily newspaper. And to conclude: “Our bet is thatthere will be no negative impact for LCI. Our goal remains to grow LCI. Jean-Baptiste has enthusiasm to spare and has already taken his section to a new level. There is no reason why this cannot continue.

>> PHOTOS – Léa Salamé, Pascal Praud, Anne-Sophie Lapix…. discover the journalists when they were younger

Good morning ! VS Telematin?

Original sections, a team of happy columnistsa popular presenter… Many have made the connection between Good morning !And Telematin, the famous morning show on France 2. Since this announcement, Thomas Sotto and Marie Portolano, who together orchestrate the morning show on La Deux, are regularly questioned in the press about the arrival of the new TF1 program. On the airwaves of Europe 1, at the beginning of December, Thomas Sotto assured that he did not take a dim view of the competition: “They’re going to take a few viewers and that’s normal, but we’re going to fight. […] Telematin, it’s a show that has been watched for thirty-five years from father and mother to son and daughter. My parents were watching, I was watching. SO there is no crisis meeting.” His accomplice, for her part, had an original idea to avoid a possible escape of viewers to the front page: “January 8 [jour du lancement de la matinale de TF1], we will be naked!

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias


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