Bruce Willis worst actor of the year: where to see his 8 nanars nominated for the 2022 Razzie Awards?

This year, Bruce Willis broke records in the sequence of indigestible nanars. The Razzie Awards have also dedicated a category to him all by himself! Focus on the 8 nominated films.

“Bruce Willis’ worst performance in a movie of 2021.” This is the title of the new category inaugurated this year at the Razzie Awards. The ceremony, which rewards the worst in cinema, decided to distinguish the American comedian for all the Nanardesque feature films in which he played in 2021.

For several years now, the one who was the hero of Die Hard or Sixth Sense is only a shadow of himself. At 66 years old, he connects the big direct-to-video nanars like Vin Diesel connects the Fast and Furious.

An end of career under the sign of the nanars for Bruce Willis

Even when he manages to find his way back to the big screen, like in Glass or Brooklyn Affairs in 2019, he always manages the feat of doing as little as possible. Monolithic expression, clumsy movements, the actor no longer hides: he comes to take his check and goes straight to the next stage.

Thus, in 2021, he starred in 8 feature films, notably action ones, with Swiss regularity. To pay him a satirical tribute, the Razzie Awards have therefore created his own category. Most of these “works” do not exceed 20% positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, the review aggregator site.

Apex, American Siege and Out of Death even have the luxury of a 0% rating! Sacred feat on the part of the former action star. The latter has decided to lock himself in the roles of gruff soldier, retired sheriff, ex-cop, CIA agent and even disenchanted forest ranger. Zoom on the 8 named films in which Bruce Willis hides with impunity.



Available on Prime Video – Cosmic Sin follows un group of warriors and scientists who must fight to protect and save the human race. The latter is threatened by a hostile extraterrestrial species with the ability to infect and become hosts to a human body.



Available on MyCanal – The Prey takes us to Texas. A 26-year-old woman is found dead on the side of a road. The police officer in charge of the investigation is looking for a serial killer targeting young prostitutes. At the same time, two FBI agents team up to dismantle a network of pimps. The three investigators will join forces to arrest the killer.



Available soonAmerican Headquarters follows a former New York City police detective turned small-town Oregon sheriff. He sets off in pursuit of a gang of thieves after they take a wealthy doctor hostage.



Available on Prime Video – In Survive, two criminals break into the house of a disgraced doctor in order to seek treatment after one of them is shot during a robbery. Knowing that he does not have the expertise to treat the injured intruder, the doctor must protect his family at all costs…



Available February 22 on VOD and DVDApex chronicles the journey of five elite hunters who pay to hunt down a man on a desert island. One after another, they begin to disappear due to the ingenuity and survival instinct of their prey…



Available soon – Deadlock introduces us to the leader of a band of mercenaries thirsting for revenge. He keeps the employees of a nuclear power plant hostage…



Available soon – Fortress takes us to a top secret resort reserved for retired US intelligence agents. A group of criminals, led by Balzary, enters the enclosure, determined to take revenge on Robert, forcing the pensioner and his son to return to service…



Available on VODout of death plunges us into the heart of the forest. During a hike, a woman witnesses a murder committed by four individuals. As she runs through the woods to escape them, she encounters a retired ranger. She asks him to help her…

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