Budget increased – more study places at Innsbruck Medical University

The federal government has given the green light to increase budgets and study places at medical universities. As a first step, there will be ten more places, new professorships and new projects in Innsbruck from 2022. Rector Wolfgang Fleischhacker is satisfied.

There are 400 places in Innsbruck. The number will now be expanded in small steps. Austria-wide will be increased by 200 places. The federal government announced this. The Medical University of Innsbruck will receive a total of 485 million euros over the next three years as part of the so-called performance agreement with the federal government. Compared to the previous three-year period, this is an increase of almost 16 percent. The additional money will, among other things, set up seven new professorships, expand general medicine in teaching and create additional study places. There should be ten in the next academic year, and more in the following years. The topic of “digital medicine” will continue to gain in importance in research and teaching. Rector Fleischhacker sees the additional funds as an opportunity “to consolidate and expand the orientation of the Med-Uni”.
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