Buffy the Vampire Slayer star hospitalized after heart attack


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A relative of the interpreter of Alex in the series Buffy against the vampires, Nicholas Brendon, reassures the fans of the actor after a cardiac incident.

Disturbing photos. Regularly active on his Instagram account, in particular to publish works of art, Nicholas Brendon had not published anything since July 13. On August 16, a message posted by one of his relatives on his Instagram account and accompanied by photos of the actor allowed his fans to understand the reasons for this absence.

“Nicky is fine now, but had to be taken to the ER about two weeks ago due to a heart incident (tachycardia/arrhythmia)”, reassures the publication on its page. Although his condition has improved, the interpreter of Alex in buffy the vampire slayer “try to rest a bit more” and concentrate “on his medical appointments”. On the pictures, we can see the one who also played in Criminal mindson a stretcher inside an ambulance, in a hospital bed, then in the company of a dog. This isn’t the first time the 51-year-old actor has given fans a scare. Last year he experienced “a similar incident after his second spine operation”recalls the post.

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