Bullish strategy on Derichebourg via turbo calls


Bullish strategy on Derichebourg via turbo calls | Photo credits: Derichebourg

This Thursday, as part of our section dedicated to derivatives, we recommend the purchase of turbo calls on Derichebourg, a major player in the recycling of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and which is benefiting from the boom in commodity prices. The acquisition of competitor Ecore is also giving the company a new dimension. On a graphical level, the trend is positive, as indicated by today’s article from analysts at Bourse Direct.

We have selected the code turbo call E4TEB, sas expiry, whose knock-out barrier of 9.87 euros is 18% away from the current level of the action. Leverage: 4.1 times.

Quotation range: 2.81-2.82 euros.


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