Burnout: Criterion would like the license to return, but has no plans for it


Now busy working on the license Need for Speed, Criterion has long been known as the studio behind the series Burnout, which today many fans miss. SinceElectronic Arts first of all want to highlight Need for Speed with opuses coming out at a regular rate, a return of Burnout does not seem to be in the natural order of things for the publisher, but the studio does not forget this license which is still part of its DNA.

The desire is there, but nothing is planned

Need for Speed ​​Unbound is now out in a few days and Criterion must now promote their game, including through interviews. We will especially remember that of Eurogamer, where the creative director of this episode, Kieran Criminalsreturned to the case of Burnout. When asked if a return of the series is still possible, he answers:

Yeah, absolutely. I hope. It’s not something we plan to do now. […] We love both licenses, and Burnout has a unique take on the racing game that I think would be absolutely phenomenal these days. So I guess what I mean is I would like to do it. And hopefully if everything goes well with our current games, and we can expand the team, then maybe we can do a new game as well. It’s not in our future or immediate plans, but that would be really fun. »

Everything will obviously depend on the directives of Electronic Arts, but the studio is open to the idea of ​​a new Burnout game. It’s already taken.


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