But no rival in sight: the majority of Democrats do not want Biden again

But no rival in sight
Majority of Democrats don’t want Biden again

Will the next US presidential election see a repeat of the Biden vs. Trump duel? The Republican has already thrown his hat in the ring, and the incumbent president has not yet made a decision on whether to run again. His support in the democratic base is not all that great, as a survey shows.

In the US, the majority of Democrats are not enthusiastic about a second term in office for their President Joe Biden. In a poll of party members, 52 percent of respondents opposed Biden running for the presidency a second time.

It shows that support for Biden is pretty weak, said election researcher at the University of Virginia Center for Politics Kyle Kondik. Nevertheless, the president could stand for re-election: “You need a real opponent to turn this general uneasiness into a real problem for Biden.” At the moment, however, there is no sign of a democratic challenger to the incumbent.

Biden has not yet stated that he intends to run again, but he has indicated several times in recent months that he is not averse to running again. It is therefore expected that the 80-year-old will stand in the Democratic primary for the presidential candidacy, an opponent is not expected.

Biden’s position has improved after the Democrats did better than expected in the November midterm elections. Former Republican President Donald Trump is met with less dislike in his party. In the poll of more than 4,400 adults, only 40 percent of Republicans spoke out against Trump’s presidential candidacy.

Republican and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced her candidacy for the presidential election on Tuesday. The election will take place in November 2024. Before that, however, primary elections will take place in both parties, in which the presidential candidate will be determined.

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