Bye Bukow, we will miss you

Charly Hübner has his last appearance in the «Polizeiruf 110» from Rostock. The past overtakes Katrin König and Sascha Bukow in «None of Us». Big showdown of an extraordinary team!

It all started in 2010 with the episode “One of Us”; On this Sunday the circle closes in the new and last episode with Charly Hübner alias Sascha Bukow: «None of us». The actor leaves the «police call» Rostock. He and Anneke Kim Sarnau – at least she stays with us in the role of the profiler Katrin König – were the dream team among Sunday evening investigators for 23 episodes.

Not only Katrin König (Anneke Kim Sarnau) will miss Sascha Bukow (Charly Hübner).


In retrospect, some film titles – from “Between the Worlds” to “Fear justifies the means” to “The day will come” – seem like a premonition of where this journey over 12 years should lead. Perhaps such associations are also simply an expression of how in Rostock, in the best horizontal narrative art, one was developed out of the other without ever losing the thread there.

King and Bukow

At the very beginning it was thought that this would not work because the LKA officer König, a control freak, was secretly researching Bukow, whom she instinctively distrusted. But then the two went through hell together more than once and grew together to form the eternally prevented lovers. What have we waited for years for them to kiss. And when it finally came to this (not only) last year, even more than the two investigators, we viewers are scared to death.

Because that König and Bukow would investigate in the future as a teasing couple, as Nora Tschirner and Christian Ulmen demonstrated in Weimar, that was simply unimaginable in Rostock. Since “For Sabine”, the question has been what will happen. Did they want to stop in Rostock?

Border crossings

Now one will go. “Your father always hoped that you would change to the right side,” says club owner Tito at the start of the new episode. After the violent death of Bukow’s father, he took over his role as king of the Rostock underworld.

Tito’s sentence says it all: The film author Eoin Moore, to whom we owe the wonderful investigative duo, seized the opportunity (together with co-author Anika Wangard) to dive deeply into the character of Sascha Bukow. Right from the start, he was a cross-border commuter between his work as a commissioner and the demi-world, which, also because of his father, was always closer to him than opportune.

Tito dies soon after this conversation. The suspicious musician (Bela B as the star guest) keeps the Rostock team on their toes with his airs when Bukow begins to behave strangely. Is it because King told him that morning that she was enjoying what was going on instead of making plans for their mutual relationship for years to come?

Bukow has always been hypersensitive. King senses that something is wrong. She decides to flee forward, just to be on the safe side asks the boss and fatherly friend Röder (Uwe Preuss) whether he thinks Bukow is the right person for her. The question could only be, “Is there ever a man who is ever the right one for you,” he replies.

The past catches up with the investigators

When König realizes that her mistrust was justified when Sascha inaugurates her, it already seems too late. Bukow’s old opponent Subocek (Aleksandar Jovanovic) has reappeared, wants to benefit from Tito’s death and follow in Veit Bukow’s big footsteps. For this he needs the Rostock investigators as docile accomplices. Subocek knows that King has falsified evidence to bring down a woman murderer, Bukow had given false testimony to cover her – more blackmailing potential is not possible.

At the point where König and Bukow have just found each other privately, Bukow is now in free fall professionally. The open dynamic that this investigator duo carried comes to a logical end here. Anneke Kim Sarnau and Charly Hübner turn it into great cinema again. Bye Bukow!

«Police call» Rostock: «None of us». On Sunday, January 9th, at 8.15 p.m. on ARD.

Charly Huebner's time in the “police call” in Rostock ends here.  Will Sascha Bukow survive the last mission?

Charly Huebner’s time in the “police call” in Rostock ends here. Will Sascha Bukow survive the last mission?


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