CAF, RSA, activity bonus… Aides GPT, the new tool to know all your rights

What if you miss out on social assistance that you can claim? A new tool, called GPT Helpers, helps you see things more clearly.

A platform has just been launched by the site. Entitled HelpGPTits purpose is to direct Internet users to the financial aid to which they are theoretically entitled.

As RTL explains, this robot was created by, a company wishing to fight against the non-use of the rights of potential beneficiaries. With AidesGPT, it intends to allow the million Internet users who visit it each month find out about the financial aid available to them by simply asking questions in a chat.

A tool for all procedures

How did it work? Like ChatGPT, AidesGPT is a conversational artificial intelligence. In other words, you can ask him any questions you want, and the robot answers you to explain to you which social benefits you can claim. After having created an account and filled in his e-mail address, the user can ask his questions.

For example, it is possible to ask AidesGPT which aids exist for students. The robot then lists the different deviceswhether it be scholarships based on social criteria, housing assistance or even specific assistance.

The same applies if the user explains that he is unemployed. Here again, AidesGPT highlights the various types of aid to which the person can potentially claim, whether it is the return to work allowance (ARE), the RSA (Active Solidarity Income) or even to housing.

Be careful though: if the robot can be of service, the site reminds us that AidesGPT is not an adviser but an artificial intelligence. It may therefore produce inaccurate or incomplete information.

Social aid: these 10 billion euros that the French forget to claim each year

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