can we use the allowance in several installments?

The health crisis has contributed to increasing intra-family cash flows, especially to the younger generations. Among the existing schemes, the “family donation of sums of money” allows a donor under the age of 80 to give every fifteen years, tax-free, up to 31,865 euros to each of his children, grandchildren and children. adult great-grandchildren, or failing that, nephews and grand-nephews.

Can this reduction of 31,865 euros be activated by successive fractions between the same donor and the same donee? Concretely, if you have already given a few thousand euros a few years ago, can you donate again today to the same beneficiary?

Under 80

It’s possible. Let’s take an example to make it easier to understand. In July 2010, a father granted his daughter a donation of 5,000 euros in the form of a transfer. He gives a check to this same girl in September 2020 for 10,000 euros. There remains 16,865 euros of abatement.

Read also Are financial aid to a loved one tax deductible?

Two possibilities are open to him today. He can take advantage of the remainder to make a new tax-free donation, provided that he remains under 80 years of age. But this will delay the reconstitution of the residual abatement. Otherwise, he can wait fifteen years after the first manual donation, in 2025, to benefit from a renewed exemption ceiling if the conditions for the family donation of sums of money are still met.

Please note, the donation must be revealed to the tax authorities within the month of its realization.

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