Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: Moved to tears, she forgets her husband! : Current Woman The MAG

A star model with a hectic career, renowned artist and wife of former President of the Republic, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is a woman who one might think is hard to surprise. Nikos Aliagas made a challenge, however, brilliantly met in the new issue of his show The Secret Song, broadcast on TF1 Saturday 12 December 2020, also with Louane, Patrick Fiori, Bilal Hassani, Amir, Patrick Sébastien, Gad Elmaleh and Julien Doré as guests of honor.

No one had told him that someone so special was going to come and pick up just for her Someone who told me, the song that in 2002 established her as an important singer-songwriter. And by discovering Lou Doillon, daughter of Jane Birkin, to whom she is extremely close, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy could not repress, hand on heart, a few tears. "I was not excpecting that at all. I don't know how you went about organizing this with my two best friends [Lou Doillon was accompanied on the piano by Albin de la Simone, editor's note], you are crazy", Reacted, ostensibly assailed by emotion, the former first lady. The surprise was all the more successful as it was a completely exceptional performance in French by Lou Doillon, who sings exclusively in Shakespeare's language since his eruption in 2012 with the haunting album Places and his single ICU. "It's the first time … It's for you!", She pointed out to her friend.

The only thing missing was … Carla forgets Nicolas Sarkozy!

Filled, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy also made a comment that stunned observers – in the absence of a physically present audience, the show was recorded behind closed doors. “All that was missing was my mother, my children and my dog"she slipped to Nikos Aliagas, congratulating him on this nice surprise. A list of loved ones to her heart which does not belong … her husband, Nicolas Sarkozy ! Very amused by this remarkable omission, Internet users had a blast, competing with teasing tweets.

Make no mistake, the couple formed by the ex-supermodel and ex-president remain stronger than ever, thirteen years after their crush. If Nicolas Sarkozy is also the first fan of his “Carlita”, a regular and captivated spectator of his concerts, he can also count on the unwavering support of his wife, like Thursday, December 10, 2020, on the last day of his trial in the 'Bismuth case, for which Carla Bruni was present at his side in court.

To read also: "The secret song": Jean-Pierre Foucault particularly moved by discovering his daughter