Carmen Geiss: This was the time before her luxurious jet-set life

Carmen Geiss
This was the time before her luxurious jet-set life

© imago/Eventpress

Monaco, Dubai, St. Tropez, luxury and glamor – all of this and more is now associated with Carmen Geiss (59) and her famous family. But the television actress and entrepreneur has worked hard for her jet-set life. She grew up down-to-earth and “protected,” as she told “Bild am Sonntag” in an interview.

“My parents worked in the catering industry. They first had a harbor bar in Düsseldorf, then later a discotheque in Cologne. They worked incredibly hard to build something for themselves. That took a lot of time. My mother had to cook 150 meals a day,” remembers Geiss.

Carmen Geiss about husband Robert: “We both had nothing”

That’s why she spent a lot of time with her grandmother, who lived nearby, “my very best time,” says Carmen Geiss. When her parents had Mondays off, she was able to spend time with them: “We always did something nice.”

After graduating from secondary school, Geiss initially worked as a fitness trainer and model, but that “didn’t bring in that much money.” So additional jobs followed in a boutique and a discotheque. Her parents always instilled in her hard work and ambition when it came to work.

The fact that many people today believe that she deliberately made herself a millionaire annoys her. She met her husband Robert Geiss (60) when she was a teenager. “When I got together with Robert, he had nothing either. We both had nothing,” she clarifies. The couple built their million-dollar fortune together.

Geissens documentary has been running since 2011

Today it’s hard to imagine reality television without the two of them. With their two daughters Davina (20) and Shania (19) they have been appearing in their own documentary “The Geissens – A Terribly Glamorous Family” on RTLzwei since 2011, which has since achieved ratings in the millions.


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