Caroline Diament: is the Big Heads member married?

Caroline Diament will be alongside the Big Heads on France 2 this Saturday, January 22. The opportunity to discuss the private life of the columnist.

She confided. Caroline Diament is a columnist and radio and television host who needs no introduction. She chained the appearances and worked with animators like Patrick Sabatier, Christophe Dechavanne, Daphné Bürki or Laurent Ruquier. Member of Big heads, she will be present at the new edition of the TV version of the Big Heads. This is broadcast on France 2 this Saturday, January 22. Caroline Diament will be alongside Michèle Bernier, Esteban, Jeanfi Janssens, Paul El Kharrat, Bernard Mabille, Valérie Mairesse, Yoann Riou, and Sébastien Thoen. The opportunity to discuss the private life of the columnist. It was in 1992 that she said “Yes” at Philippe Edouard Elbaz. Three years later, the couple welcomed their baby girl, named Salome. While they seemed to be spinning the perfect love, Caroline Diament and her husband separated in 2015 and she never got her life back. “I would never be in a relationship again, living with someone is no. I’ve been living alone with my daughter for five years and it’s been a blast!“, she confided on the antenna of France 2. A daily life in which she flourishes.

It suits him. Very happy in her life as a single mother, Caroline Diament had not hesitated to chain the confidences. “I have been in a relationship since I was 20. Now I live my adolescence with a credit card. I don’t need my parents’ permission, I’m much more adventurous“, she was amused. In addition, the columnist had assured to be close to her daughter and she had mentioned her notoriety, which does not reach Salomé. “Notoriety, for her, it does not exist“, she had asserted. The reason ?She is sometimes surprised that people recognize her mother, but afterwards she has a very relaxed relationship with notoriety. People are pretty nice to me, I inspire smiles ’cause I’m on the shows talking bullshit“, continued the host. However, she clarified that there are downsides to being a public figure:On the other hand, you are never safe from an idiot who stares at you while you eat.“, she had concluded.

Caroline Diament: why does she like to participate in the Big Heads?

Member of Big heads, Caroline Diament agreed to participate in Laurent Ruquier’s show for a simple reason. “I was asked to be there as I am in reality, very cash“, she first confessed before adding: I never force myself and I think that’s what they call me“. Very transparent and direct on the RTL antenna, the columnist is appreciated by listeners.


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2/12 –

Caroline Diamond
She will be present during the special broadcast today.


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Caroline Diamond
Caroline Diament will be alongside many regulars.

© Jack Tribeca

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Caroline Diamond
The opportunity to discuss his private life.


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Caroline Diamond
Caroline Diament has been married for a long time.

© Agency

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Caroline Diamond
She has a daughter.


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Caroline Diamond
Salome was born in 1995.


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Caroline Diamond
The couple separated.


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Caroline Diamond
The columnist has not rebuilt her life.

© Agency

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Caroline Diamond
She’s fine on her own.

© Agency

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Caroline Diamond
His daily life suits him.


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Caroline Diamond
Caroline Diament is close to her daughter.

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