CDU clear winner of the state elections in Saxony-Anhalt

It is 6 p.m. The polling stations in the 218 municipalities of Saxony-Anhalt are closing. 1.8 million people were called on Sunday to cast their ballot. And you have decided! The pressure on the champagne corks is increasing: because, as the projections confirm, a clear winner is already certain on this early Sunday evening.

It is the CDU that has every reason to celebrate. Top candidate Reiner Haseloff (67) is confirmed in his office. The physicist from Bülzig has headed the Magdeburg state parliament for ten years. Now he has been re-elected with a surprisingly positive majority of presumably just under 36 percentage points. In the last state election in 2016, his party only achieved 29.8 percent. “I am overjoyed and am pleased with this trust,” commented the incumbent Prime Minister on the projections.