Cédric Jubillar in isolation: how did he spend the end of year holidays?

The three lawyers of Cédric Jubillar confided in the columns of Figaro this Thursday, January 6. They mentioned the isolation of their client.

He can’t take it anymore. Delphine Jubillar has not been found since December 16, 2020. The young woman has disappeared in Cagnac-les-Mines in the Tarn and has not given any sign of life since. Research continues but no clue has allowed us to discover what may have happened to him. The main suspect in this case is her husband, Cédric Jubillar. He was indicted for “intentional homicide of a spouse“June 18, 2021 and has been imprisoned in Toulouse-Seysses prison since. A very complicated period for the father, who would like to regain his freedom and his relatives. In the columns of Figaro this Thursday, January 6, his three lawyers have made many revelations. “He spent the holidays alone, in isolation, without his children, for a crime he did not commit “, assured Alexandre Martin before specifying that this situation is “extremely difficult” for him. However, the father was able to count on the support, even at a distance from his children, Louis and Elyah. Both him sent letters, which have done him the greatest good. “He received mail from his children”, the lawyers said before adding that unfortunately “everything happens through social services”. Will Cédric Jubillar be able to find them soon?

Difficult conditions. While he has been imprisoned since last June, Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers continue to deplore his situation. “This is comparable to that of Salah Abdelslam, the jihadist terrorist who participated in the attacks of November 13, 2015, committed in Paris.“, Jean-Baptiste Alary first explained. According to him, all this appears “terribly shocking and unbearable “. Comments confirmed by Emmanuelle Franck who assured: “He has the same treatment as terrorists, notably linked to the Bataclan affair.” Last November, she had already declared that her client is “locked up 23 hours a day in a 9m 2 cell”. Moreover, Cédric Jubillar cannot “go out for only one hour a day, in a courtyard surrounded by barbed wire and which is 10 meters long. Despite all these difficulties, the lawyers assured that their client remains hopeful. “He has total confidence in justice and still hopes that magistrates will open their eyes“, they concluded. While he never ceases to proclaim his innocence, Cédric Jubillar made a new request for release this Tuesday, January 4. This will be examined in a few days, on January 11. Will it allow the father of the family to regain his freedom, but above all, his children? As a reminder, it remains presumed innocent of the facts which he is accused of.

Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: what element made a lot of talk?

Since the start of this investigation, the comforter, in which Delphine Jbuillar slept, was the center of attention. Dominique Alzeari, the former Toulouse prosecutor, said on June 18 that Cédric Jubillar had triggered a washing machine in which was the duvet of Madame’s bedwhen the gendarmes arrived around 4:50 a.m. However, this Wednesday, January 5, the Dispatch ensured that it was felt good in the living room and no in the washing machine as stated several times. This new information therefore clears Cédric Jubillar who is the main suspect. As a reminder, the analysis of this famous duvet did not reveal any trace of blood or urine, the Dispatch had indicated. But what happened to Delphine Jubillar?

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