Cegedim: GERS Data in support of strategic customer issues

(Boursier.com) — GERS Data, a subsidiary of Cegedim and key player in data and analysis for the healthcare market in France, presents its Consulting offer. A major player in the health ecosystem, GERS Data relies on its knowledge of the pharmacy universe, the robustness of its data, as well as its skills in terms of analysis, in order to offer its industrial customers and all industry players, studies to respond to key issues with concrete and actionable recommendations.

GERS Data’s Consulting offer aims to provide solutions to its customers’ requests, by studying the evolution of key indicators (Distribution, Market Shares, Holder Market Shares, Prices, Margins, etc.) at different levels of granularity (groups, segments of pharmacies, points of sale, personalized product perimeters, competitive environment, etc.). Beyond carrying out studies, the objective of the entity dedicated to consulting is to provide a framework conducive to quality discussions and exchanges with client teams, for a result that leads to real operational decisions.

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