“Celebrity Big Brother”: Influencer Dominic Harrison should also move in

“Celebrity Big Brother”
Influencer Dominic Harrison should also move in

Dominic Harrison at the side of his wife Sarah.

© imago images / Eventpress

Will Dominic Harrison be part of the season of “Celebrity Big Brother” which is due later this year?

The TV container for the upcoming issue of “Celebrity Big Brother”, which starts on August 6, 2021, seems to be slowly filling up. At least if you are “Picture”-Newspaper wants to believe. After recently unveiling the supposedly first four candidates for the reality TV show, two more names are now haunted by the rumor mill. Apparently, fitness trainer and influencer Dominic Harrison (29), the husband of Sarah Harrison (30), is said to be in the new season.

Also a junk professional with you?

The second star that “Bild” brings to the field for the ninth “PBB” season is Paco Steinbeck (46). TV viewers know him as an antique dealer from the RTL show “The Super Dealers – 4 Rooms, 1 Deal”. Previously it was announced that Ballermann star Melanie Müller (33), Jens Büchner’s widow Daniela “Danni” Büchner (43), the former handball player Eric Sindermann (32) and Marie Lang (34), world champion in kickboxing, will be in “Celebrity Big Brother “should take part.

In the previous seasons there were always 12 or 13 candidates. The exception was last year’s edition, in which 18 celebrities started and Werner Hansch (82) emerged as the winner in the end.
