Center party: back of the chair in the presidium – view

At the end of June, the delegates of the merged CVP and BDP party Die Mitte determine their presidium. A prominent candidate who had been on the CVP’s ​​top committee for eight years is no longer running: National Councilor Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter (57) recently let her party know that she will no longer run for a place on the presidium this summer. The decision came as a surprise: just a month ago, she had even been traded as vice-president of the center.

“Firstly, I would like to make room for younger people to get involved in the party leadership,” says Schneider-Schneiter when asked. Second, she wants to work “more and more independently” for the interests of her region in the future. “For me, that is the focus of my commitment, and unhindered access to the European internal market also plays a role”, says the Basel bidder.