Chamomile: How medicinal herbs make us more beautiful and healthier

Chamomile has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. But the medicinal plant also makes you more beautiful. So it fits into our beauty routine.

Chamomile makes you fit and healthy. In autumn, when the first signs of a cold appear, many people reach for a cup of chamomile tea. This not only warms from the inside, but also relieves pain. This is due to the flavonoids contained in chamomile, which, among other things, have an antioxidant effect. Even better: Chamomile tea also makes you more beautiful if consumed regularly.

The antioxidants also pounce on free radicals, which promote skin aging. Seen in this way, chamomile acts like a fountain of youth. By binding radicals, the medicinal herb forms a reliable protective shield against harmful environmental influences – the perfect anti-aging agent.

Lose weight while you sleep

The medicinal plant also indirectly helps with weight loss. The contained neurotransmitter glycine relaxes the nerves. This in turn helps you fall asleep. Those who get enough sleep at night promote fat burning. Chamomile practically sheds pounds while you sleep. Our largest organ also benefits from the wonder herb.

Chamomile for acne

A herbal facial steam bath works wonders. The hot steam opens the pores and any skin impurities are flushed out, the chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Use two bags of chamomile tea or dried chamomile flowers for the steam bath. To improve the complexion in the long term, you should use the chamomile steam bath several times a week. Ointments and creams with chamomile are also real beauty boosters. They can help with bacterial skin problems such as acne.

DIY cosmetics made from chamomile

Chamomile is ideal for treating irritated facial skin and redness. A peeling made from oat flakes, honey and freshly brewed chamomile tea ensures glowing skin and an even complexion. A mask made from chamomile tea, honey and aloe vera provides moisture and soothes the skin. Equally soothing and good for bags under the eyes and tired facial skin: ice cubes made from chamomile tea that are gently massaged into the cleansed skin.

Chamomile tea can also affect the pH of the hair, making it look healthier and more radiant. For a DIY mask, mix freshly brewed chamomile tea with yogurt and massage in from the scalp to the tips. However, be careful: chamomile can lighten slightly, especially on colored hair. On the other hand, this effect is useful if yellowish bleaching should be saved.
