Change of name, soon as easy as pie ?, News / Daily News

Simplifying this administrative process could change the daily life of many women separated from the father of their children. A bill carried by the LREM deputy Patrick Vignal, and supported by the presidential majority, aims to simplify the name change process, which is now subject to a decision by the administrative court.

If the text is adopted, any adult, once in their life, but also any minor over 13 years old with the agreement of both parents, may change their name to that of their mother, father, or two, by filling out a simple Cerfa form to be sent to the civil status department of its town hall, where the current system takes up to seven years on average.

Separated women

This development responds – in part – to the demand popularized by the collective “Porte mon nom”, which calls for the simplification of this procedure, in particular to facilitate the daily life of women separated from their spouse. For their children who do not have the same name as them, the administrative procedures are often more laborious, with the obligation to present a family record book for a simple registration in the school canteen or in activities.

It should also benefit people who are victims of family abuse who wish to cut ties with a parent, or even make it possible to avoid the extinction of a family name.

2,000 people initiate a name change request each year, which is unsuccessful in a third of cases. Applicants must justify to the administrative courts a legitimate interest in changing your name.

Debates on this bill are expected to begin in January. They must close before the end of the parliamentary session, brought forward to February 28 due to the election period.

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