Change of name: towards a simplification of procedures?

The procedure for changing surnames, which until now had been quite complex and highly criticized, could soon change.

This Wednesday, January 26, a bill, carried by Patrick Vignal (LREM) will in this sense be examined.

In the event of adoption, this would allow any adult person to change their surname once in their life, and this, via a simple declaration at the town hall.

And if its legislative course goes smoothly, the law could be applied as early as next July.

respond to a request from thousands of French people

Every year, several thousand French people start a process to change their surname or that of their children. While there were still 2,500 applicants in 2017, there were 4,293 in 2020. However, few of them manage to complete the procedure.

Between paid publication of the request in the Official Journal and an explanatory letter to be submitted to the Ministry of Justice, the procedure sometimes extends over “several years”.

In addition, at the present time, one must invoke “a legitimate reason” in order to be able to change one’s name.

For Jessica, 32, changing her name is however obvious: “I am a Béraud”, she told AFP. His papers, however, show the name of “Rodrigues”, that of his father. “He left when I was 18 months old, I grew up with the weight of his absence,” says the young woman, who wants to bear her mother’s name.

“I would have the feeling of honoring my ancestors and of finally being attached to my clan”. But his request was refused by the Ministry of Justice. And a change in legislation could allow his request to succeed.

The case of separated families

The case of Jessica resonates with that of many parents who wish to change the name of their children following the separation of the couple.

This is the case of Nadège (assumed name) who wanted to change the name of her daughter. The latter was only given her father’s name when he declared the birth. However, Nadège also wanted to pass on her name to her daughter.

Now separated, the mother has obtained primary custody of the child but she cannot change her marital status. “I have to justify myself for being his mother all the time, I find it shameful”, testified Nadège who “walks around with the family record book”.

To facilitate the daily lives of women in this situation, the “Porte mon nom” collective would like the mother to be able to add her name as the child’s usual name, without the father’s authorization, which is difficult to obtain during a separation.

Nevertheless, the bill, which was examined on Wednesday, provides that the agreement of both parents is necessary. Otherwise, a judge will have to decide.

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