Chaots separate garbage – complaints, residual waste and special walks

Volte enjoys working as a garbage collector, but the many complaints annoy him. Some people just can’t please. He needs his relaxing walks.

“Sometimes we’re out too early, or we’re too loud, or we’re blocking the cars’ path. “We’re just doing our job,” says Volte, annoyed with some customers. “But at least when I’m done, I know that I’ve made the city a bit cleaner.” And he now has his own garbage area: residual waste. “That’s where people make the most mistakes – when they don’t know what to do with something Material, then they just throw it in the trash,” complains Volte. “That’s what’s missing from recycling – more has to be burned.” To relax, he currently likes to go for walks – to Andi’s shock, with his shared cat “Minki”. But even there he can’t escape the topic – there’s rubbish everywhere and bags with cacklings on the ground. And the dog owners always look so stupid…
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