charge of fraud and abuse


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Cindy Reymond, former candidate of the show “Familles Numbreuses” is accused by her family of violence against her children. She is doing everything to restore the truth.

Cindy Reymond, mother of eight children and former participant in the reality show “Familles Nombreuses”, is stepping up to the plate after being accused by her own family of being harmful to those around her. His 20-year-old daughter Ashley is the first to report abusive behavior on the part of her mother. She accuses him of being violent with his own children. On social networks, Ashley says she witnessed a scene of abuse. She would have seen her mother wearing “Big slaps in the mouth of his 4 year old brother”, already bloody.

For Cindy Reymond everything is slander. After a long period of silence, the mom decided to defend herself through his Instagram account followed by more than 65,000 people. In a long caption accompanying a photo of her and her companion, showing themselves united and happy, she writes: “For weeks, we have been the target of attacks, insults, insults, defamation and of course shit takes pleasure in raising and / or distorting certain things.”

Then follows a long text in which the mother denies each accusation and ensures that she deeply loves her children. The former candidate of “Large Families” promises that she will offer all the care and love that she can. If she recognizes that she is not perfect, she denies having wanted to harm her children.

Cindy Reymond: accusations of fraud unfounded

The mistreatment of her children is not the only criticism leveled at Cindy Reymond. Former relatives of the reality TV candidate also accuse her of tampering with her contests on social networks and of trying to scam her own family. Cindy Reymond is shocked by these revelations that she describes as lies invented by a family who have turned their backs on her for years.

The Reymond family refuses to let it go, which is why Cindy preferred to break the silence she had imposed on herself at the start of the conflict. The former candidate of “Familles Numbreuses” recalled that life had given her difficult trials. A former victim of domestic violence, she has experienced a tumultuous past, the absence of the father of her children and illnesses within the family. She asks for leniency and empathy for her journey.

The reality show “Familles Nombreuses” is not its first scandal. In October 2021, another candidate, Alexandre had accused Internet users of having inappropriate behavior towards his beautiful daughters. The candidate’s family also had to clarify the situation on social networks to defend the honor of the father.

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends that she dissects with words. She has a particular focus on women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she …

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