Charlotte and Samuel Castro’s recipe

Ingredients for 4 persons

  • 1 piece of rump steak (about 600 g),
  • 8 organic potatoes (Agria type),
  • 400 g of various salads (lettuce, romaine, mesclun, lamb’s lettuce, treviso … depending on the season),
  • 1 small shallot or ½ red onion,
  • fine herbs (parsley, chives, chervil), optional.

For the dressing:

  • 1 C. to c. mustard,
  • 1 C. to s. vinegar (balsamic or sherry),
  • 3 tbsp. to s. olive oil, nuts, or a mixture of the two,
  • salt pepper.

For the mayonnaise:

  • 1 egg yolk at temperature,
  • 1 C. to c. mustard,
  • sunflower or grape seed oil,
  • salt pepper,
  • vinegar.

The preparation

Bake the rump steak in the oven for 20 minutes at 190 ° C, then take it out and let it rest for 10 minutes. Clean and dry the potatoes without peeling them. Cut them into cubes, then sauté them in a pan, in sunflower oil or in butter. Start over high heat, then reduce heat to low until they are very tender and golden on the outside. Clean and wring out the salads.

Read also Charlotte Castro: “For ten months, I toiled sixteen hours a day without paying myself”

Prepare the dressing by whisking the ingredients together and adding the salt and pepper. Prepare the mayonnaise by whisking the egg yolk and mustard, then add the oil in a thin stream. Adjust the seasoning and soften with a dash of vinegar or lemon juice.

Cut the roast beef into thin slices, carpaccio style. Toss the vinaigrette into the salad. On the plates, dress the salad, some fine herbs, thin slices of onion or shallot. Arrange the roast beef slices on the salad, the sautéed potatoes on the side, and garnish with a generous dollop of mayonnaise. Serve immediately.