ChatGPT: Google will finally imitate Bing and add an AI to its search engine

Samir Rahmoun

April 7, 2023 at 9:15 a.m.


Google AI Bard © JRdes /

© JRdes / Shutterstock

Google could in turn adopt the model of use of artificial intelligence used by Bing.

Since the explosion of the ChatGPT phenomenon, the tech giants all want their AI. But to do what? Right from the start, Microsoft chose to pair the chatbot with its Bing search engine, which seems like a happy move for the moment. To the point that its rival Google could well copy it.

Information from Sundar Pichai

Artificial intelligence currently has its winners and losers. In the winning camp, we obviously find Microsoft, partner of the creator of ChatGPT OpenAI and fervent defender of the technology. Opposite, surprisingly, Google appears for once late in the key sector that is AI. To return to the height of its rival, the Mountain View company should finally adopt the same scheme.

This is what we can understand from the interview of the CEO of the group Sundar Pichai granted to the American daily The Wall Street Journal.Will people be able to ask Google questions and engage with LLMs [grands modèles de langage] in the context of research? Absolutely “, he thus affirmed.

google bard gpt ©

A new mission for Bard? © Shutterstock / Clubic

Bard, yet another function?

This sentence may have surprised people following the AI ​​file at Google in recent months. Indeed, if the American group quickly released an alternative to ChatGPT, called Bard, it was presented behind as an actor intended for different tasks. This AI was, in the words of officials, to play the role of ” creative companion “. Pure research remains the prerogative… of the search engine.

Sundar Pichai also added in the same interview that he did not see the emergence of artificial intelligence as a threat to Google’s business model. For him, ” the opportunity space, if any, is larger than before “. And when we know that Google represents 93.4% of the market share for online research, the holding of such a policy could have a significant impact on the development of conversational agents.


Google Bard

  • A powerful generation model
  • A knowledge base updated in real time
  • Free and integrated into the Google ecosystem

Google Bard is a powerful and advanced AI chatbot that can understand natural language and provide accurate answers to questions. Overall, Google Bard is a valuable tool for those looking for a chatbot that can provide accurate answers to their questions.

Google Bard is a powerful and advanced AI chatbot that can understand natural language and provide accurate answers to questions. Overall, Google Bard is a valuable tool for those looking for a chatbot that can provide accurate answers to their questions.

Source : Engadget

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