ChatGPT should support generating video from text this week

The features of ChatGPT, such as debugging code and writing text, are the reason for its great popularity. Despite its capabilities, however, its assistance is limited to text. But that will soon change.

GPT-4 is expected to launch this week, which will allow text to be generated from video, according to Andreas Braun, CTO of Microsoft Germany. “We will have multimodal models that will offer completely different possibilities, for example videos,” he said, according to Heise, a German media.

ChatGPT runs on a language model architecture created by OpenAI called Generative Pre-trained Transformer, also known as GPT, specifically GPT-3 or GPT-3.5, which limits the chatbot to text output.

GPT-4 is a multimodal AI

Since GPT-4 is a multimodal AI, use cases can go beyond text, unlike previous models. Holger Kenn, director of business strategy at Microsoft Germany, says AI could translate text into video, music and images.

A text to video generator is not a totally new concept, since tech giants such as Meta and Google already have such templates.

Meta has Make-A-Video and Google Imagen Video. They both use AI to produce videos from user data. However, Meta and Google’s technologies remain at the research stage and are not publicly available, which puts OpenAI in an ideal position to stay ahead of the generative AI niche.

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