Children’s Exercise: This is what happens when you practice this exercise daily

This is what happens when you do this children’s exercise every day

© DragonImages / Adobe Stock

Most people still know the jumping jack from physical education class. But even as adults, we should do jumping jacks more often because they do a lot for our health.

When was the last time you did jumping jacks? For many people the answer will probably be: at some point as a child. Maybe at school, maybe while playing. We easily underestimate how many benefits this children’s exercise can bring to our fitness routine – even as adults. Jumping jacks or star jumps, as they are also called, are an effective full-body exercise that challenges both our muscles and our endurance. This is what happens when we practice them regularly.

These things happen when you do jumping jacks every day

1. Good heart health

Jumping jacks train our endurance and can help, among other things, to lower our blood pressure. They help us improve our heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and even heart attacks.

2. Strong legs + hips

Basically, with jumping jacks you activate your entire body. The exercise has the greatest effect on the thigh and gluteal muscles and the hip flexors. The abdominal and shoulder muscles also need to work, although not as much as our legs and hips. Regular jumping jacks can help, among other things, to prevent back pain, because tension and shortening in the hip muscles are just as often responsible for back problems as tense shoulders.

Illustration Jumping Jacks: This is how the fitness exercise works

Jumping jacks are very easy, but very effective.

© lioputra / Adobe Stock

3. Improved bone density

Just like burpees or squat jumps, jumping jacks are so-called plyometric exercises. This means that the muscles are alternately stretched and contracted quickly. Plyometric training has many benefits for the Health, among other things, exercises like jumping jacks can increase our bone density. This can protect against diseases such as osteoporosis.

4. Healthy weight

Sport in general and especially endurance sports and exercises burn energy. If you practice jumping jacks for two minutes, you will burn around 19 calories, and in ten minutes you will burn around 94 calories. If you regularly incorporate jumping jacks into your fitness routine, you can help achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

5. Good coordination

In addition, jumping jacks require a high level of coordination skills. We need good concentration for the combination of different movements of the feet, legs and arms. In this way we not only train our body, but also our brain.

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