Chin-length bob: that’s why we love the trend hairstyle

Chin-length bob
That’s why we love the trend hairstyle in autumn

The chin-length bob is THE trend hairstyle in autumn 2021

© Edward Berthelot / Getty Images

On the runways at past fashion shows you could always make out one hairstyle: the chin-length bob. This style was never really gone, in autumn 2021 it will again enjoy great popularity? Why? We explain that to you here.

Short hair is versatile, short hair is easy to care for, short hair is stylish, short hair is feminine. No wonder the chin-length bob, also known as the short bob, has made the jump from the runway to the street. In autumn 2021, many hairdressers are likely to cut off many inches of their customers’ hair again, because the bob is back!

Chin-length bob: show a clear edge

The short bob comes in different shapes, but one thing is very important for the basic cut: a clear line. And that runs at about chin height. In addition, there are no limits when it comes to versatility. Whether stepped, with bangs, highlights, sleek styled or with waves – the chin-length bob takes part in all experiments. You don’t even have to choose one type of parting. Middle or side parting – you can style that according to your taste. And if you don’t feel like styling at all on a day, the hair can be tucked back in a short braid thanks to the certain basic length. No wonder that many women are fans of the trendy short haircut.

The bob also looks great with a center parting

The bob also looks great with a center parting

© Edward Berthelot / Getty Images

Lots of styling options

The styling is very easy. After washing, simply blow dry with a large brush, work some Stlyling foam or mousse into your hair, and the perfect undone look in the style of the casual French woman is ready. This is how nonchalance works. Those who like a little more accuracy can use hair gel after blow-drying and give the look a sleek, wet-look finish.

Chin-length, straight bob

Chin-length, straight bob

© Edward Berthelot / Getty Images

Accessories are welcome

The bob hairstyle can be many things, but one thing is certain: it won’t get boring with this haircut. And if you run out of styling ideas, hair accessories bring a new freshness. Whether headband for the perfect preppy look or clips with pearls or a tortoiseshell look – the bob loves accessories.

Source used: Harpers Bazaar,


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