China warns the population: Accident assistance is prohibited at the Olympics

China warns people
Accident assistance is prohibited at the Olympics

The Olympic Winter Games will be very restrictive. The athletes and everyone else involved have to stay in a bubble and follow strict rules. The authorities warned that contact with the population of Beijing must not be established even in an emergency.

The competent authority in Beijing has warned residents of the Chinese capital not to help any winter Olympic vehicle if it is involved in an accident. The background is the strict Corona requirements, by means of which the major event from February 4th to 20th should be safely carried out.

“In the event of traffic accidents with special vehicles for the Winter Olympics, please make sure to keep a safe distance,” Beijing’s traffic management office said in a post on the Twitter-like media Weibo: “Do not contact the vehicles or the staff in them and wait for specialists to arrive at the scene of the accident. “

China will host the Olympic Games in a “closed loop” that ensures that neither athletes nor other participants come into contact with the public. The authorities closed the cycle in the previous week, so that thousands of employees, volunteers, cleaners, cooks and bus drivers will be shielded from the outside world for weeks.

Parallel railway system runs

Around 3,000 athletes and media representatives from all over the world will arrive in the Chinese capital in the coming weeks and will remain in the protection zone from landing to departure. Anyone entering the bladder must be fully vaccinated or undergo a 21-day quarantine on landing. Anyone who is in the bladder is tested daily and must wear a face mask.

The system includes special means of transport between the venues, with even closed high-speed rail systems operating in parallel with those open to the public. China has a zero-covid policy and recently locked millions of people in their homes to curb the spread.

Meanwhile, Olympic organizers have denied claims that a Spanish athlete tested positive and escaped the bladder to visit Beijing city center. This claim has previously been shared millions of times on social media in China. Police said they had arrested a woman for “spreading false rumors” without referring to the incident.

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