Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020, day of the Metal Tiger: Current Woman The MAG


  • Rat, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Beef, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Tiger, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Rabbit, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Dragon, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Snake, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Horse, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Goat, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Monkey, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Rooster, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Dog, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Pig, your daily Chinese horoscope

Every day, his energy! Like Marc Angel, who studies the stars to deliver their message to you in his horoscope, every morning Stéphanie Gelbart gives you her predictions based on the Chinese horoscope. Today, Sunday December 13, 2020, the day is placed under the influence of Metal Tiger.

This horoscope of a new kind is an invitation to measure your evolution over the cycles that you will find every 60 days. To do this, it is strongly recommended that you write down your impressions of the day in a notebook or in your Kairoscope logbook. Let us now see in detail what the astrologer recommends to you for this day of December 13, 2020.

Rat, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

There is nothing to be sorry about having to ask for a little help to move you forward. It's enough to apologize for everything you do or don't do. You can be satisfied with you without having to justify yourself. You find your enthusiasm, and the joy of living. You manage to project yourself into a brighter future even if at the moment you don't know what you are going to do to get there. Note in your logbook what you have done to be satisfied with yourself without having to justify yourself. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the Rat

Beef or Buffalo, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

You learn to to anticipate. And this is all the more true about the needs of others. You care for them, and you appreciate the recognition that it gets you. It is satisfaction that is all about because you allow yourself to imagine, to be creative in the way you approach relationships with others. You get off the beaten track by having taken care to measure the possible consequences upstream. Write down in your logbook what you have done to anticipate the needs of others and how this has brought you satisfaction. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the beef or the buffalo

Tiger, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

An irresistible urge to hug a loved one, or someone you would like to be with? If that is the case, do not rush before you make sure it is reciprocal. There could be as much desire as there is resistance in the same idea. Before reaching out to others, take the time to make sure that your approach is right and that it is not just responding to a selfish need. You certainly have need others, but first of all, see if you can't already give yourself the comfort you expect from others. Note in your logbook how you reacted to your expectations of sentimental sharing and how you were able to comfort yourself. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the tiger

Rabbit, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

You can honor others, whether it's your friends, your colleagues or your family. They give you the strength and courage to go forward. Beyond that, they make you feel legitimate in your lifestyle. The way they look at you, whether positive or negative, gives you the ability to better position yourself. You can reverence for anyone who sends a new side to you every time. Write down in your logbook what you have done to honor others and what this has created for you in terms of recognition. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the rabbit

Dragon, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

You know what you have to do. Still, others may be trying to send you messages. Worse, they might want to tell you what to do to yourself! Stay calm and appreciate that they may want to help you with the process. Then, continue your way at your leisure but with caution. It is by going into new areas (romantic, family or professional) through new ideas that you find satisfaction in fending for yourself. Write down in your logbook what you did to explore new perspectives and how satisfied you are with this. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the dragon

Snake, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

Do you still have control over your love for others? Unconditional love cannot be mastered, it is a capacity that you can find inside. Even if you have criticisms or judgments about those you love, do what is necessary to find what makes sense for you in this love. And the same principle applies to those you meet on the street, your colleagues, or strangers. This feeling of presence to others carries you and makes you feel good. Write down in your logbook how you experienced unconditional love and what it gave you. ⋙ Discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the snake

Horse, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

Ask yourself about your ambitions. Whether you lead a peaceful life, or are going through difficulties, you can allow yourself to see bigger. To do this, take the time to identify the areas of your life in which comfort is installed (a romantic or family relationship, a job, etc.) Note that even your current difficulties can be identified as comfort zones because you don't get out of it. From this point, transform at least one thing that allows you to get out of this area to improve it. Write down in your logbook what you have put in place to create new ambitions in your life and the resulting satisfaction. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the horse

Goat, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

Stop hiding or withdrawing. Others need you and you bring them stability and confidence. It's very light, very soft and your mere presence is enough to comfort others. You are the right person for calm tensions down. Your challenge of the day, to show yourself, or to present the fruit of your achievements so that we know who you are or what you do. Take your courage in both hands ; to do this identify at least one thing about yourself that you are satisfied with. Write down in your logbook what you did to stop hiding and what it did for you. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the goat

Monkey, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

It's not always easy to achieve unanimity and to please everyone. And finally, is it really necessary? Learn already to accept that there will always be people who can criticize or disagree with you. For the rest, if you feel that you are being picked up on areas where you feel honest and fair, then step up. State clearly and don't get confused, you are fully supported. Note in your logbook how you accept not to please everyone, and how you reacted to the criticism. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the monkey

Cock, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

Faced with the ambient turmoil, you arrive at bring sweetness and tranquility. You look at subjects from a distance, and you know how to analyze situations with great finesse. See to keep calm facing all those who do not understand you. Take the time to gently expose your vision. You create frameworks, rules, or plans which can be a bit rigid at times. Do you allow the flexibility of mind in the face of unforeseen situations. Write down in your logbook what you have done to give others a clear vision while allowing yourself more flexibility in your way of doing things. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the rooster

Dog, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

Why always want think about the past, what you could have done, or what you should not have done? It's all over, and it's a long way off now, even though it was last night. The only thing you can do now is accept that you cannot change the past. However, you are now able to live your present, and very slowly insert yourself into a exciting future. Write down in your diary the things from your past that you decide to forget and how you want to live now. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the Dog

Pig, your Chinese horoscope for Sunday, December 13, 2020

You know that you have a tendency to imagine many scenarios in every situation, so you have a vivid imagination. By always going in this direction with a surplus of ideas, projects, etc., you risk exhausting yourself. Take the time to categorize and sort out everything you really want to see through. Carry out the creation of families of ideas or projects. Then, identify what is priority to create more clarity in your thoughts. Note in your diary how you categorized your ideas and how you feel after sorting it out. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2020 for the Pig

What is my Chinese astrological sign?

Rat, Ox, Tiger … Unlike the Western horoscope, which is based on constellations, the Chinese zodiac is based on the symbolism of animals. If it is divided into 12 signs, 12 animals, the change of sign is only done every year, and not every month. Still don't know your Chinese zodiac sign? To find out quickly, you can use the red calculator located at the end of this article!

Are you interested in Chinese astrology? See you on Monday for your Chinese horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, find out The Kairoscope imagined by Stéphanie Gelbart. A logbook, halfway between the agenda and the diary, to position yourself on a daily basis according to the energies of the Chinese zodiac. Each day, the coach invites you to experience three "common threads" in resonance with the weather forecast. Magical ! And if you want to know more about your Chinese astrological sign and your character, you can also make an appointment on Current Woman Astro Consult ' for a private consultation with a specialist.

Read also :

⋙ Chinese horoscope 2021, year of the Metal Ox: Marc Angel's predictions for signs and ascendants

⋙ Chinese horoscope for December 2020: what is the influence of the Earth Rat?

⋙ Chinese horoscope: what the Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire or Water element of your sign reveals