Chinese horoscope for Thursday, September 30, 2021

Daily Chinese horoscope: discover Aufeminin’s Chinese horoscope for Thursday, September 30, 2021

Horoscope Rat

What about love? In solo, a pleasant meeting can take place today. As a couple, you’ve never been happier. At the office, the atmosphere has darkened recently … Projects are late, and your employees look gloomy. Take a step back, you need it. On the health side, you are worried because you had a bad dream and you are imagining the worst for your health. On the money side, water damage in your home has significantly impacted your monthly budget. Watch out for your financial situation!

Chinese proverb of the day: giving an order is not comparable to the act that one does oneself; examining others is not worth examining yourself

Ox horoscope

On the love side, a colorful period awaits you. Avoid office gossip and negative individuals. In terms of health, if you sleep poorly, in particular, do not allow a cycle of insomnia to set in. When it comes to money, quickly you will no longer have a sense of reality and you will be likely to lose big.

Chinese proverb of the day: once decided, nothing stops a determined man.

Tiger Horoscope

On the heart side, you will soon have the opportunity to carry out a marital project with your partner. Single, a beautiful meeting is looming on the horizon. In the office, you’ll be working far too haphazardly, jumping from point to point and stumbling over unimportant details, when it’s time to think big and plan for the future. In terms of health, today, you risk having eyes bigger than your stomach and you will certainly make excess mouth. If you don’t want your body to have trouble following you, use your common sense. On the money side, you worry about your current physical condition.

Chinese proverb of the day: respect for the law is the real strength.

Horoscope Cat

On the love side, you will be closer than ever to your other half who will make you see life from a most romantic point of view. In your work, there may be tensions or conflicts of authority with colleagues or colleagues. Health side, low morale in sight: be careful not to get trapped in pessimistic ideas. On the financial side, in the future, you should be careful not to spend too much. You tend to overdo it. Put your accounts in writing, it will help you.

Chinese proverb of the day: a son who makes his mother shed tears alone can wipe them away.

Dragon Horoscope

On the love side, you will go through a very strong period with your loved one and will appreciate him very much. At work, it’s very simple: you’re bored. Your job no longer satisfies your ambitions: naturally, you think about leaving. Regarding your health, be extra vigilant when driving and also in sport because you are not immune to clumsiness or thoughtlessness and it would be an accident: it would be a shame to break something in this. moment ! At the portfolio level, the influences have hardly encouraged you to save money lately.

Chinese proverb of the day: wine is never so good as when you drink it with a friend.

Snake Horoscope

Sentimentally, no wrong note will disturb your beautiful harmony. In the office, there will be a stormy climate! Beware of jealousy and power struggles. Not terrible, health level today. If you have trouble falling asleep, eat lettuce, yogurt, vegetable soups, especially in the evening. On the health side, you will have to adopt severe economic and disciplinary measures in order to maintain the gains or consolidate your current situation.

Chinese proverb of the day: men should worry about their fame like pigs worry about being overweight

Horse Horoscope

In love, your investments will be rewarded very quickly. The professional plan will be filled with uncertainties, with delays, complicated and risky situations where your impulsive temperament could create additional problems for you. Morale will not be good today. Do not neglect your Ingres violin, which is an essential escape. From a financial standpoint, set yourself a fairly tight spending envelope.

Chinese proverb of the day: he who has talent does not leave his homeland; he who has a tainted reputation does not leave his father’s house

Horoscope Goat

Your sentimental life is in good shape! Your relationship gives you time to develop and you feel very good. Passion and impatience would indeed be bad advisers. Health level, pay attention to the drops in energy that await you today. Money level, check yourself: what unnecessary expenses by distraction or ease!

Chinese proverb of the day: speaking is not the same as meeting; hearing is not comparable to seeing.

Monkey Horoscope

On the heart side, spouses or partners will be more accomplices and more sensual. In the office, you will probably encounter difficulties in your work. When it comes to your health, now will be a good time to tackle the many issues that have been bothering you for a long time head-on. On the money side, watch out for material problems! Avoid, as much as possible, making significant expenses: you will be badly advised.

Chinese proverb of the day: forgiveness is the father of forgetting.

Rooster Horoscope

At the sentimental level, couples will only have to see each other to understand each other and you will feel reassured to have with you someone who understands you as well. At work, don’t count on great results. You will be embarrassed by the ambiguities of some of your colleagues. On the health side, you are usually more of a force of nature, but today you will feel exhaustion. Slow down slightly and take the opportunity to take some time for yourself. Regarding your finances, financial matters will unfortunately be a major concern in your household.

Chinese proverb of the day: when the wise man points to the moon, the fool looks at the finger

Dog Horoscope

How are your loves going? Your relationship will gain in depth. What about your job? You will always remain very concerned about your professional situation. Despite a gradual lightening of your Astral Heaven, you should still exercise caution and avoid unnecessary risks. Pay attention to your health today: stress could indeed start to overwhelm you, and then you would feel like a loss of speed. For anything related to your finances, the day will be very volatile.

Chinese proverb of the day: a word from the heart keeps you warm for three winters

Pig Horoscope

On the heart side, the one (or the one) that you will cross will know how to vibrate at the same level as you. As for work, you are under pressure because the deadlines are getting closer. Remember to talk about it with your collaborators, benevolent help can always arise. Nothing is going on moral level today: you are invaded by pessimism. Fight this trend immediately! Regarding money, beware, the astral tensions of the moment will be directly felt in the financial field.

Chinese proverb of the day: the portrait of a good father is a book for his son.

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