Christian kozina – Green vaccination rebel flirting with leaving the party

For weeks now, the Graz Greens councilor Christian Kozina has been causing a stir with his attitude to compulsory vaccination. Now he even threatens to leave the party!

A bang before the first municipal council meeting of the new year in Graz on Thursday: The Greens mandatar Christian Kozina, who had spoken out against compulsory vaccination and was thus on a confrontational course with the party leadership, is openly flirting with leaving the party. In a long Facebook posting, he once again settled accounts with the draft law. “The introduction of compulsory vaccination is medically senseless and disproportionate in terms of the constitution. It only drives the division of society further,” he writes in it. Kozina wants to remain on the municipal council. “However, I don’t know if I can continue to do this on behalf of a party that is pursuing such a health policy.”
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